Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy Birthday

how self centered of me (:
Anyways i had my art exam today plus malay, not the best way to celebrate it huh.
But it was cool, at least people remembered, to those who didnt. well yeah
you asswipes ! lols (:
anyways after exams , followed Vinod to his and some of the guys "hot spot"
not what i had in mind, behind sucasa's building, infested with hundred of mosqitoes.
Chilled there, then later watched Hitman at klcc, it was sooooo damn cool (:
Agent 47 is so bloody sexy ! god that baldness and body , he can kidnap me anytime -drools-

he's so mega sexy !
The Girl Nika Boronina, played by Olga Kurylenko is so hot, she has this like sex appeal going on, in the movie she had a mini dragon tatt on her left side of her face , And agent 47 played by Timothy Olyphant well, he's the reason i watched the movie twice (: maybe there migt be a thrice ?

oh yes please ? (:

with hair (:

need i say more?
Anyways i just found out that hitman was actually from a game? and there is an agent 47 who is bald and stuff, but obv not even a game can beat the REAL agent 47 xD (:
I found out i passed lit (: yay me, hopefully ill do well in the other subjects as well
anyways im bored so, im signing off now.
Grace unleashed
Her Stories
6:24 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Birthday
Craig Cairns

Once again my super mega hottie bestie turns 18th, yes 18
meaning more freedom and your next step to adulthood'ness
you'll start feeling those hormones kickin in one of these days, oh wait?
that only happens when you turn 12 xD
anyways in short its some special day today
and soon to be mine, but !
today is Craig's Day so play nice ya'll or i might have to do some butt whooping today xD
you'll always be my bestie no matter what, we've been through alot, and did lots of cheering up but we got through it, you've been there for me always and helped me through all my downs.
Love you always Craig !
and Happy Birthday :)
Grace unleashed
Her Stories
7:01 AM
her memories, Birthdays
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hectic week this week has been, anyways i have to say i could have done better, i finished maths paper 1 and 2, english, physics 1 and biology 1. Maths was okay at some parts, english was good. physics, dont even ask, i wrote complete and utter shit, biology was kinda good and most parts, like the diagrams and such. Anyways, monday i got econs, and gong to burn the midnight oil again, thursday and friday i barely had enough sleep, can't wait till mocks are over so i can party all night long.
I miss Dave, so dave if you're reading this i miss you ! , gosh havent talk to you in ages, and Craig, i havent talked to you in ages as well, infact i havent talk to a whole lot of people in ages, Queeny, Ekachai , Weiz , etc, miss those dugggu's =/
I have the urge to watch '10 things i hate about you' , after listening to 'i love you baby' haha, well yeah its a defo must watch. So i admit im a chick flick junkie, i love watching them, except ones with hilary duff innit, i despise her.
Im so bored. like rlly bored. i mean like really REALLY bored. omg these chick flick kisses im wathing on youtube are so cute, kk another confession im a youtube junkie, without youtube i prolly will die, like mentally die xD but stupid thing is loading so damn slow =/
Grace unleashed
Her Stories
2:48 AM
her memories, Randoms
Sunday, November 11, 2007
nites or morning
Grace unleashed
Her Stories
4:07 AM
her memories, Randoms
Friday, November 9, 2007
Name 5 friends of the opposite sex
-how old are they?
-where are they currently?
-how long have you known them?
-tag 5 people

He is 17 years of ages.
He is currently in Scotland, Aberdeenshire
I have known him for more than a year

David , a.k.a Dave (:
He is 19 years of age
He is currently in London, Ontario
I've known him for almost a month

Jun a.k.a meanie !
He is 18 years of age
He is currently in Malaysia
Known him for almost i think 2 years or more.

Justin Yap a.k.a Justin Timberlake (chinese version)
He is 15 years of age
He is currently in Australia
Known him for almost 5 to 6 years

Faris a.k.a Punk Boy
He is 20 years of age
Currently in Malaysia, Kelantan
Known him for 5 months or more
glad thts over xD
Grace unleashed
Her Stories
7:41 PM
her memories, surveys
Family (:
Grace unleashed
Her Stories
7:21 PM
her memories, Family