Fuck what i said , it all mean shit now
Fuck the present, i threw all that shit out
Fuck all the crying it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo
Fuck you right back...
Fuck the present, i threw all that shit out
Fuck all the crying it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo
Fuck you right back...
I effing love this song to the ground, i have to admit this was the song with some of the words changed here and there that really got me to move on and forget about everything. and i feel awesome (: i shud have listened to this song ages ago. anyways today i went klcc after school to go to cpk and ask about our dresscode and time we should arrive, so it was me,Elizabeth, Thao, Lea,Sarah and Japna, at first i asked Ekachai to tag along but he had to go with, uh whats that korean dudes name...Jae or sumthin, and along with Yurri, so yeah he couldn't follow cuz he didn't wanna get wacked by his hostel aunty which i may add scares the fuck outta me lawls.
so yeah after going to cpk, we were like hanging around there tryin to look cool XD then we went to the food court, i ordered mc donalds, yum* and some others ordered sushi and lazania,
actually lazania isn't that bad, honestly it was my first time tryin it ^^"
went home at around 3:30 and everything was cool (:
school was ok i guess, was pretty sleepy, slept in physics haha and guha had to wake me up twice XD
so yeah after going to cpk, we were like hanging around there tryin to look cool XD then we went to the food court, i ordered mc donalds, yum* and some others ordered sushi and lazania,
actually lazania isn't that bad, honestly it was my first time tryin it ^^"
went home at around 3:30 and everything was cool (:
school was ok i guess, was pretty sleepy, slept in physics haha and guha had to wake me up twice XD
Miss Grace wake up!
dot dot dot, huh. *rubs eyes*
(few moments later)
Grace! get up, such a disgrace (thats so old >.>)
(few moments later again)
lawls! slept in literature half way through stevenson lecture on life or whatever he was rambling about.Lunch was lunch, then had Biology, was wide awake until, i felt that tingly feeling when yu are comfortable, the room was chilly, yu're bum was in the right place and aint feeling that numb butt feeling i usually feel when i sit on the 'wrong' chair, looks around, see a few heads down, then my eyes got all itchy and heavy, so i thought, maybe a 5 min nap wouldn't hurt nobody, ended up sleeping the whole period. and then a famliar voice called my name, yeap it was Wan >.>
Grace wake up, haiyooo, such a disgrace (it never gets old to old ppl >.>), at least yu're not like ching may who sleeps half the time
Huh...oh rite ...*huh
is my lecture that boring,Ramez, im proud of you, yu're the only one who manage to stay awake,
looks back*,
Ramez was like the only one awake, Bagas and Alex K.Oed lawls! Econs was ok, pretty much just talked to Bagas, and stupid Kittypong was annoying the fuck outta me, but lawls hes alrite (: poking my weakspot that makes me jitter XD and yeah Bagas joined in as well..

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