Nothing Interesting happened on Monday so i'll do right ahead and skip on to Tuesday
So we had sport practice and trust me, its getting lamer each year.Anyways after 35mins of torture we were set free, had english first, and let me tell you english with Alex, Jose, Nuqman and Johan is like no end to laughter.Especially Alex gosh that guy can make you pee your panties out, moving on we had bio yea nothing happened in Bio class except Wan exploded again.Then it was Malay, it was cool, since we didn't do anything, practically fooled around till Arasu came and ruin the fun by giving us malay work, then malay we had Lunch and yes the best part of any kids school life, lunch.. (: a way to communicate with your peers without any annoying teacher tellin you to shush, laugh out loud, play sports etc. After lunch it was Literature, it was cool i guess, he was talking bout 'life' haha yeap 'what has becom of the world' it was an interesting topic (:
Then it was maths and yes it is hilarious as well, cuz there we got the whole package again Alex and his homies, so boring >.> and well shes just a fun sucker, sucks the fun out of everything, blarh!, boo you whore (:
After school i hung around Lia and Johan and at one time Johan carried me bridal style and i felt like my panties were exposed haha, then later he was all, i wanna drink water which is so far away so Johan piggy back me haha and Lia was pitching my butt the whole way there XD so after that mum came and we pick the honda up and ate at Mc D's [ im lovin it ] ^^ went home, slept, wasn't feeling too well.Woke up , had a shower, ate dinner, and did some homework, slept early cuz felt so tired :\

Today has got to be a kind-of sucky say, i mean seriously, it sucks that the teachers can be such a pain in the arse, like just cuz they got some personal issues you dont got to take it on the students, like fuck you hoe!
Anways P.E well it was cool, didn't bring my shorts so yeah had to do some stupid punishment, squatting and running >.> partners with bo young and christine in the squatting thingy and so yes after punishment i sat down and Shantan came to hang around with Rishni, and yeah he helps me with Ekachai , he's such a boob, but i love him anyways (: , break finally bought chicken, it was tasty, so after break we had art, and gawf, chandran puts the B in Bitch i mean seriously, its like that woman got some issues or something, aite so it started off with her one-of-those-day where she would storm around school telling kids off like the bitch she is.So yeah i asked her nicely, if dropping physics and taking chemi would be cool ,and yeah she snapped at me, scolded me infront of the whole class like some dumbfuck, and had to go and bring up about me being held back a year i mean, what the fuck is your problem? Then to make things worse she gotta slam her frickin book on the table at me, like a sign of her anger , i was so upset, i have to admit i felt like crying ): then we had lit and stevenson wasnt here so "wooohoooo" to that. So me, Marcus, shayan we're just hanging outside class when Wan had to come and throw some stupid remark at me bout my blouse, so its untuck, fine you can bitch bout me and my blouse but dont fuckin bring up about me staying back, its non of your fucking business whats so ever . Then we had Physics, didn't understand any shit, so yea just talked and fool around again haha.Lunch was cool nothing much to say bout that, the we had Bio, torture chamber , he made me go sit somewhere else, alone just cuz Alex was talking shit like he always do, its like wtf did i do, thankfully bio went by so fast since i was sleeping haha, oh yeah i forgot to mention, Bagas yu bitch! haha he's so, argh! like all of a sudden he started pulling my bra strap and he did it at one time and pulled it so hard and it snapped so loudly, gawd that hurt and to make things worse, he unbuckled my bra haha, what fuck, and Alex and Ramez, just laughed at me haha,so had to go all the way down to the toilet buckle it and go back up. then we had Econs and Arasu was like so pissed the whole time he suddenly left and came back, he didnt say a word or anything, practically the whole class was just talking and doin their own stuff. So school, was alright but the teachers were just being bitches, as usual.
After school i helped Ekachai,Queeny and Ida with their memory book, just typed in some comments and peeked at the yr book, was thinking of doing the yr book for next year (:
Might go out tomorrow to see Ekachai and go to Fawns birthday not sure haha
well gotta sign off now, ciao!
So we had sport practice and trust me, its getting lamer each year.Anyways after 35mins of torture we were set free, had english first, and let me tell you english with Alex, Jose, Nuqman and Johan is like no end to laughter.Especially Alex gosh that guy can make you pee your panties out, moving on we had bio yea nothing happened in Bio class except Wan exploded again.Then it was Malay, it was cool, since we didn't do anything, practically fooled around till Arasu came and ruin the fun by giving us malay work, then malay we had Lunch and yes the best part of any kids school life, lunch.. (: a way to communicate with your peers without any annoying teacher tellin you to shush, laugh out loud, play sports etc. After lunch it was Literature, it was cool i guess, he was talking bout 'life' haha yeap 'what has becom of the world' it was an interesting topic (:
Then it was maths and yes it is hilarious as well, cuz there we got the whole package again Alex and his homies, so boring >.> and well shes just a fun sucker, sucks the fun out of everything, blarh!, boo you whore (:
After school i hung around Lia and Johan and at one time Johan carried me bridal style and i felt like my panties were exposed haha, then later he was all, i wanna drink water which is so far away so Johan piggy back me haha and Lia was pitching my butt the whole way there XD so after that mum came and we pick the honda up and ate at Mc D's [ im lovin it ] ^^ went home, slept, wasn't feeling too well.Woke up , had a shower, ate dinner, and did some homework, slept early cuz felt so tired :\

Today has got to be a kind-of sucky say, i mean seriously, it sucks that the teachers can be such a pain in the arse, like just cuz they got some personal issues you dont got to take it on the students, like fuck you hoe!
Anways P.E well it was cool, didn't bring my shorts so yeah had to do some stupid punishment, squatting and running >.> partners with bo young and christine in the squatting thingy and so yes after punishment i sat down and Shantan came to hang around with Rishni, and yeah he helps me with Ekachai , he's such a boob, but i love him anyways (: , break finally bought chicken, it was tasty, so after break we had art, and gawf, chandran puts the B in Bitch i mean seriously, its like that woman got some issues or something, aite so it started off with her one-of-those-day where she would storm around school telling kids off like the bitch she is.So yeah i asked her nicely, if dropping physics and taking chemi would be cool ,and yeah she snapped at me, scolded me infront of the whole class like some dumbfuck, and had to go and bring up about me being held back a year i mean, what the fuck is your problem? Then to make things worse she gotta slam her frickin book on the table at me, like a sign of her anger , i was so upset, i have to admit i felt like crying ): then we had lit and stevenson wasnt here so "wooohoooo" to that. So me, Marcus, shayan we're just hanging outside class when Wan had to come and throw some stupid remark at me bout my blouse, so its untuck, fine you can bitch bout me and my blouse but dont fuckin bring up about me staying back, its non of your fucking business whats so ever . Then we had Physics, didn't understand any shit, so yea just talked and fool around again haha.Lunch was cool nothing much to say bout that, the we had Bio, torture chamber , he made me go sit somewhere else, alone just cuz Alex was talking shit like he always do, its like wtf did i do, thankfully bio went by so fast since i was sleeping haha, oh yeah i forgot to mention, Bagas yu bitch! haha he's so, argh! like all of a sudden he started pulling my bra strap and he did it at one time and pulled it so hard and it snapped so loudly, gawd that hurt and to make things worse, he unbuckled my bra haha, what fuck, and Alex and Ramez, just laughed at me haha,so had to go all the way down to the toilet buckle it and go back up. then we had Econs and Arasu was like so pissed the whole time he suddenly left and came back, he didnt say a word or anything, practically the whole class was just talking and doin their own stuff. So school, was alright but the teachers were just being bitches, as usual.
After school i helped Ekachai,Queeny and Ida with their memory book, just typed in some comments and peeked at the yr book, was thinking of doing the yr book for next year (:
Might go out tomorrow to see Ekachai and go to Fawns birthday not sure haha
well gotta sign off now, ciao!
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