California Pizza Kitchen <3
Day 1
of work experience
So Day 1, i was there the earliest, waited for Thao to arrive and we walked to CPK (california pizza kitchen) and i thought the place would be open earlier for the early birds but nope it was close, how ironic., no one was there, so we were like "fuck" then one of the managers came out and we were like "is that a girl??" 'it' didn't say a word, not even a 'hello' or 'good morning', we were thinkin "ruuude" and so we waited outside, and more of the workers start to arrive, and yeah i said hi to some of em in the gayest way as possible and yes they greeted me back thinkin " gaaaaaay" haha ,and the best thing bout working here was, there were some good looking guys (: so waited till Elizabeth , Japna and Sarah to arrive, we pretty much just waited till 10 or 11 and the manager person said we can go eat breakfast and we went to the food court , ordered Mc Donalds and Hot plate noodle , yum, went back down at around 12, and yea we were all pretty shy and we just did what they told us to do.We had to remember the table numbers and the name of the food especially since we will be serving.By Lunch the place was packed, though there was this dude who was all cool and hip-hop, he walked in as if he owned the joint he greeted us with a "hellooo ladies" and i got to know some ppl , like PP, forgotten his name, Fariz, the guy who greeted us, (Oh Fuyouh guy) , Ammad something somethin (dunno his full name), and yeah those were the only ppl i was friends with, at first.So overall it was fun, serving customers and all, though i did do a waitress blooper, kk so this woman ask for the bill and i thought she said refill, haha, so i went "sweet tea or not sweet" and she was all "huh!! i said BILL" haha,man im so loser`ish, Elizabeth gave the bill to the wrong table lols, so working at CPK is actually fun (: Sms'in Ramez eventhough we weren't suppose to,he's working in IGN the heart hospital, cool huh?.We went home at around 4, since the place became deserted at around 3.
After work the family and i went for an early dinner was so tired, went home and slept.Called Thao later and chatted with her for almost an hour and went to bed ZzzZzz
Day 2
Today was an interesting day.Made some new friends and so it started off with me arriving pretty early, yea i know why must i have to go so early? its cuz my sister needs transport to school and it would be troublesome for my mum to go home and send me to work in an hour, but as soon as i arrived Thao arrived as well, so we went up to CPK waited like ass-wipes, and was fooling around with Thao when the workers came in and saw what a fool i was, yes 'fool' T.T then some person open the gate thingy and we went in and just chilled.
Waited for Elizabeth and she came not a minute too soon.So when you put me and Elizabeth together we can sometimes get pretty high, we were butting each other while Thao was victimize of us, , then i was all "ahhhh" in a high pitch tone because Eliz butt me too hard lmao, and one of the cook (hairnet boy 2), who i may say is sooooo hot (: but without the hair net haha started imitating me going " aaahhhh" so the whole time we were just exchanging "ahhhhh's" lols, it was funny as hell since Thao didn't like the noise,, and she was all " god get a room" haha, public orgy ai? Was feeling hungry so went up to get a Mc Flurry came down and sat in a booth and talked, gossiping is more like it, lols. So Sarah was late and one of the manager was briefing us on the new menu's . He went over it 3 times, Elizabeth nicked name him (GCM) Grumpy Creepy Manager haha. The new friend i was talking bout, Faris, he's soooo cute ^^ with his little hand gestures and all.So yeah then Ammad came and called me shorty, so i guess thats my nick name in CPK, "shorty" >.>, Made 2 other new friends, forgotten their names XD, i'll write em down tmr lols./ Anyways so i was serving these three whoops. (whoop= how white dude, whoops=old white dudes) this is not being racist okay (: So yeah they were rlly friendly, and one of em said Thank you in malay but i thought he was speaking french, his pronunciation was all skrewed up.The customers were rlly friendly, but they made me super nervous, then Bagas , Ramez and Riyad came, but they left so soon ):, Bagas was all weird, ><" miss that dude, anyways so couldn't talk to em because the manager was there ): then dad called and said i had to come out early, but the manager was alrite with it, so dad said i had to miss work tmr, but luckily he went back to singapore today so that means i can secretly go to work tmr, staying over Thao's house. Gosh i got a fucking cold =>.<="
Day 3
Ok so today was a pretty cool day until i went to Thao's house only realising that things has been happening behind my back, i mean yeah it hurt loads but im glad she told me cuz sometimes i feel like i can be such a selfish person and mean at times and i don't even know it.Anyways it started out with a downpour and also the starting of Angie's exam, so after we sent her mummy, dropped me off and at first she was worried about dad finding out i went to work secretly since he said i shouldn't go so i decided to stay over Thao's house for 2 days, should have brought more clothes. Anyways so arrived at cpk and waited for Thao, and Elizabeth came later and we were just fooling around and hairnet boy 2 was hilarious as he kept staring at us getting our groove on, so we were a little high, anyways, 2 dudes asked for my number and i shouldn't have given as they kinda creep the fuck outta me and also i was kinda scared to say no, i dunno i just cant say no lols, dont fckin call me cheap ~.So can't rlly remember anything much that happen,oh yeah i spilled water on a customer, but no no, its not like a whole glass it was just a little spill, i was so embarrassed -.-", so after work, me, Thao and Faris (a.k.a 'Oh Fuyouh Boy' ) decided to go to the park and just chill , so Bagas and Ramez came, and Bagas kinda pissed me off a little, i mean the least you could do was say hello, Ramez say hello and was all "nice to meet you", how polite yeah ? ^^", oh yes before i forget~ quoted by Faris : Im cool like a fish in the pool Neesha: What if its a hot pool? oh did i mention Mr.Wan came to visit us, while we were doing menus? well he was doing surveys on what we thought of the place, working there and asking about the people, what we learnt and stuff, so after that he went to the others working in klcc anyways Then Bagas and Ramez suddenly had to leave and said they will be right back when they left , so we got a little hungry and went to the mamak store and had some dinner, then we went bowling and what an ass haha Faris was all, "oh im not good in bowling" when he is....liar~ lols but it was fun.Went back to klcc to wait for Thao's mum and only then did i started feeling shity as Thao said she was pissed off at me alot for the whole day and i didn't know what i did.So Thao's mum came and picked us up, said our goodbyes to Faris and he bite my arm o.o". Then took a shower and Thao told me why she was pissed, not gonna say why, but like i mentioned earlier i was hurt and upset, that i didn't know my behavior and character is so horrible.So yeah i cried ): but then i told myself that i would be a better person, that i won't be so bubbly and active since alot of ppl were angry at me on wednesday. Day 4
Woke up,got dress and got ready to leave. Thao's mum dropped us off at klcc and yea the morning went by smoothly as i didn't rlly talked to anyone.and when they asked why, i told them i was tired and yes i was tired.I hated being like this, like all quiet and inactive, all i did was serve, refill and clean tables.Most of the time i would be doing all those things and at the same time chatting with everybody.So by afternoon Thao was all whats wrong, you don't got to be this way, but the thing is...i rather please people then myself. But then by afternoon i was back to my usual flirtatious self...*wink wink * kiddin (: until mum called and said dad was coming back on friday meaning i can't go over to my friends house which sucks cuz me and Thao wanted to go, and so argued with mum and mable, and after everything was fine, i felt so horrible about what i said and then after work chilled at the park till 6:30 and met up with our friend went back to their place and chilled even more, their place was small but neat, way neater then i would have kept my room, i broke their fan haha so it was freakin hot, slept most of the time, then watched movies, and slept at 3. haha, and we were suppose to wake up at 5~! , So about the broken fan ,it was boiling....becuz of me, but the thing is..i barely touched it and it went "KABABBOOOO", well it didn't explode but it made me piss my pants, not literally of course.Watched, John Tucker must die, You got served and then i went of to lala land.
Day 5 ):
Aww, our last day of working at california pizza kitchen, gonna miss working there.So we woke up at 5 but left at almost 6.reached Thao's condo at around 6:30am, so we thought it was kinda early and decided to take a nap and i woke up at around 7, and thought shit, did mum call already cuz, she thinks i stayed over Thao's house.So yeah mum picked me up at the rhb bank and i was so damn sleepy so i slept in the car, picked dad up at the train station and they sent me off to klcc, dad was in his usual bad moods so yeah -.-". Then i arrived at klcc went to cpk and slept outside on the comfy sofa, after the open the gates we went to the nearest booth and slept, after that woke up and went to the vip room pulled 3 chairs together and nap again, slept till Elizabeth came, omg we were so tired, so we helped Amat with the refilling of salt, pepper,cheese and the chilli stuff, arrange them all, and then customers started pouring in. Served till the place was deserted again and then chill at the back with Amadista, a.k.a din din.Until dad called and said i had to leave before 5 which means we can have dinner and all ): but infact we didn't even have free dinner >.> .. but i told dad that i'll follow clarissa back when she goes home so things was good. We were so hungry as in literally stomach grumbling kinda hunger.So Amadista was nice enough to go down and buy us bread..btw the bread was awesome (: and how nice of him awwwww ^^
Laughed and joke with the others. Mr.Wan came and took a picture of us standing at the cpk sign and left to meet the others working in klcc.So when it hit 5 we all were sad about leaving cpk and the people, seriously gonna miss em , they were just so full of crap, but in a good way lols.Faris had his day off so we didn't see him but he came later, yes he promised ^^"
Everyone left at 5, well not everyone la, just the people we normally see everyday.So we took pics, but the pics we took with Hair net boy 2 was so blurry, but its all cool (: didn't get a chance to take a pic with hairnet boy 1, . Said our goodbyes and hugs, had to take a pic with homeboy, which i rlly didn't wanna ): but ah well whatever so left and went to the food court to makan, just chill and met Dashel, Vinod,Johan,Clarissa, Sam, Mabel,Vimal , Ofea and Christian.Walked around until aunt christine came to pick us up.Waited at sam's house till mum picked me and, dropped Elizabeth home and went back home.
Lets see things i would miss at cpk, always fooling around with the other workers/chef before work started, like at one time they played, final countdown and omg we and Elizabeth were acting like idiots, marching to the tunes of final countdown.Botak calling me Ah Pek, which means Sepek -.-"" haha, then Faris started calling me that.Ammadista calling me Kambing, General PP checking Japna out, cpp2 creeping all 5 of use, and all the pp1 pp2 pp3, haha, u must be wondering wtf, its a cpk thing lols. So we pretty much nicked name everyone
Gonna miss all of em!
Ammadista - Din Din
Faris- Of Fuyouh Guy
Ammat- Faris look-a-like
Sujay- General PP
Manager - GCP3
Along- It Pat
Wan- Funny Man
Epul - CPP2
some of em we dont know their names so:
Ass Man
Hairnet Boy 1
Hairnet Boy 2
Smug 1
Smug 2
Tall Dude
If didn't miss anyone lols,
Picture time!






Again Blur but..
Japna, Hairnet boy2, Me, Elizabeth,Sarah and Wan



The Graffiti Wall of Faris

tryin to look smug lols

Them looking smug and me bursting out laughing lookin at Japna lols





Me,Japna, Elizabeth, Epul, Sarah

Yes i know this pic is blur but hey, its still memories
Japna,Hairnet boy 2, me, Elizabethe and Sarah

Again Blur but..
Japna, Hairnet boy2, Me, Elizabeth,Sarah and Wan



The Graffiti Wall of Faris

tryin to look smug lols

Them looking smug and me bursting out laughing lookin at Japna lols





Me,Japna, Elizabeth, Epul, Sarah

Yes i know this pic is blur but hey, its still memories
Japna,Hairnet boy 2, me, Elizabethe and Sarah
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