Well this week hasn't been a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae for me.Its only Wednesday and im not enjoying it one bit.Its just that, loads of things has been pressuring me and i keep pushing it aside, thinking it will pass or maybe its just pms.Like for instance, physics, i love physics and all but im failing it badly and i thought maybe im just not a physics person, so i wanna drop it, went to ask the coordinator, and instead of being a supportive teacher,she snaps in my face, bringing me down.So fine that didn't bother me that much, then suddenly my two close friends stopped talking to me, and why? i have no fucking clue! its like out of the blue they stopped saying 'hi' , stop texting me and stopped talking to me and im suppose to be the fucking genius to know what they're thinking. ok so maybe there is a reason and i thinkin its because your friend got rejected and so you turn your anger not only to her but to me as well? well thats fucking stupid if you ask me.I mean c'mon how old are you? 10? even my cousin who's way younger then you knows how to act.I respect that you are just sticking up for your friend and ok fine maybe she was a little harsh, but this is life, people get rejected, you just gotta buck up and move on, you think you're the only one in this god forsaken life that gets rejected, i bet millions have gotten rejected and way worse then you.Yes i know it hurts and hurts like a bitch, whoever said relationships is always a sunny day, there are a few lightnings and thunderstorms as well.But what fucking hurts me the most is that you, my 2 dearest friends because of what happened decided to go on an anti-girl strike? and again yes you must rlly care for your friend loads and be on a brotherhood whatever shyt but it doesn't give you the privilege to treat your other female friends this way? well some kind of friend you are.So i had another fight with Ekachai and again i hate quarreling with anyone especially my close friends, but he pushed my buttons and so i got mad and he got mad, so i guess things turned ugly, but we soon worked it out (:
So i guess you notice i changed my layouut...again, i dunno i felt the previous layout was kinda too much for my liking, don't get me wrong its awesome just i decided to settle down with a simple yet elegant layout, ok so maybe elegant isn't the work to describe it but, its pretty, love sky layouts (:
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