vow baybeh
Today was quite an interesting day, so i was suppose to wake up at 10.30am cuz i promised Marcus ill be at his house at around 11'ish but yeah typical me thought i could have 5 more minutes of sleep, not knowing i slept for 1 and a half hours. Waking up to find that jung min called about the usb i promised to pass to her to pass to Ekachai, so i was like "fuck" all the way, getting dress in less then 10 minutes, voww, i beat my dressing record. Anyways mum dropped me off at klcc and i met up with jung min , so we took a bus to ampang point and she went her way while i went mine.
Caught a cab to Marcus place, actually more of KDE , waited there till that boob got me, and he thought he was late and overslept lawls. anyways chilled at his place and met his friend, i forgotten his name though. i think it was Ping or sumthing like that. We watched Blues Clues (:, Steve is da sex baybeh xD. Also Marcus dog, Churchill is so adorable :) i got a pic of it, will upload later, then the dudes played Ps2 and i went to keep Churchill company , like i would watch them go at it in football =/. After that, we walked to find a cab and typical Marcus flipped my skirt up -.-" im sure my behind was flashed upon the drivers eyes , thankfully i wouldnt have to face them ever again. Catching a cab is like the worse, but i manage to catch a cab 'Girl Power' xD. We picked up one of Marcus's dota friend and headed of to klcc, chilled at the klcc park and went to check out the movie times, the other two dudes didnt wanna follow cuz they had no 'cha ching' so they ended up going to chow kit (or however you spell it).

It was ok i guess, quite gore'ish to be honest, and yea alot of blood shed. But overall a good movie, ill get it a 7/10. So we bought the 5pm movie, and it was like 4 something, so we decided to get a bite to eat, we had chicken BBQ rice (: talked and talked , then we went to Isetan to look at shoes, yeap you heard me shoes (: then mum called and said dad was coming home like instantly, and i freaked out, so mum said to take a cab to Sams house and aunt christine can send me home since clarissa was staying the night at my place. The went to the park and saw Elle and Dalgish, chilled at the park and before you know it, it was 5pm so we headed of to the movies.
After the movie, we took a bus to Ampang Point where Marcus went to meet with his friends and i took a cab to Sams place. Upon reaching there, me and Sam talked alot , seriously its like i haven't talked to her in ages, then at around 9 something aunt christine took us to my place.
So thats pretty much what happened. Sorry no pictures except of Churchill
ill post em up when i feel assed to do it (:
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