Im gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
Strike Maths and Malay off as im done with it, Malay was bad as usual, i just don't get it, maths was actually pretty unsure. Like on the borderline of "so easy" and "fuck it" , i found paper more difficult then paper 1, though i manage to finish the questions i don't think i will score well. Anyways things have been pretty good lately
yesterday after our Malay exam we decided to head of to secret recipe, yes abusing the use of 'the pass' it makes you want to put your hands in the air and scream ' free at last! oh i can almost taste freedom' .
So me,Sarah,Elizabeth and Natasha walked over to Ampwalk and had some yummy cakes, i swear its like taking a bite of heaven.I especially adore the cheese cakes, though too much made me
nauseas. Johan, Jason,Rishni, Vinod and Shayan decided to go to the British Council to study. They came though and we shisha'ed later, i tell you Shayan is like king of shisha, no ones says no to him, we weren't allowed to actually shisha in our school uniform since last term i tried and the lady boss rejected us :(
It was orange flavour, tasty and it was quite strong actually, i took the first puff and i felt dizzy already and i rarely get dizzy from shisha even Jason said so too. After chilling, i saw some familiar faces, waved but somehow they didn't seem pleased to see me or rather us i and i might know the reason why though im not going to stupidly air it on my blog.
Went back to school and Johan was horny since he literally pinched my nipples, he did it to Eliz as well and i think one of my boobs is bigger then the other.
So waited with Bagas and Ramez till my mum came and went home
Slept the whole time, didn't catch enough snoozes last night.
English was easy actually, i spent like 1.5 hours doing my comprehension, another hour doing my news paper article and the rest of the time was spent on my composition which i wrote crap lols.
After exam met up with Queeny , and me Queeny, Thao, Eliz,Natasha and Neesha went to klcc, to eat at cpk, saw everyone there , except the hair net brothers and Rianna, Tini, Amad it was cool seeing all of em again though we were pretty shy haha.
After a satisfying lunch, Eliz,Natasha and Neesha went to watch 'Ocean 13' while we went to the park and met up with Salem and Ramez, he was sad again so we tried to cheer him up.
At around 1 we went to Damai and met up with Shayan, Rishni, Jason and his friend Brando, shisha'ed till 2:15 and went back to school, mum was piss i came late.
so strike maths,malay and english
get ready for bio on Tuesday hopefully i'll do good :(
No pictures, couldn't be bothered honestly.
Can't wait till exams are over, its seriously stressful~
I miss him just, i dunno what to do , he recently broke up with his girlfriend and well its a chance for me rite, but is this really what i want? Im just so confused, all i know is that i like him but is it enough to be with him? I wanna know if he feels the same way too or not, you must be asking, why not ask him or a friends or his best pal well to be truthfully honest im afraid of the truth, whether its good or bad its just i hate hearing the truth, cuz you know what they say they truth hurts.
I don't wanna end up hurt again , the feeling was excruciatingly painful for me to take it, it was like swallowing a big dry pill, i couldn't breath all i know was i just wanted to shoot myself.Call me the biggest drama,emo queen alive but whatev.
It hurts but.. what else is there to do..
but wait

yesterday after our Malay exam we decided to head of to secret recipe, yes abusing the use of 'the pass' it makes you want to put your hands in the air and scream ' free at last! oh i can almost taste freedom' .
So me,Sarah,Elizabeth and Natasha walked over to Ampwalk and had some yummy cakes, i swear its like taking a bite of heaven.I especially adore the cheese cakes, though too much made me
nauseas. Johan, Jason,Rishni, Vinod and Shayan decided to go to the British Council to study. They came though and we shisha'ed later, i tell you Shayan is like king of shisha, no ones says no to him, we weren't allowed to actually shisha in our school uniform since last term i tried and the lady boss rejected us :(
It was orange flavour, tasty and it was quite strong actually, i took the first puff and i felt dizzy already and i rarely get dizzy from shisha even Jason said so too. After chilling, i saw some familiar faces, waved but somehow they didn't seem pleased to see me or rather us i and i might know the reason why though im not going to stupidly air it on my blog.
Went back to school and Johan was horny since he literally pinched my nipples, he did it to Eliz as well and i think one of my boobs is bigger then the other.
So waited with Bagas and Ramez till my mum came and went home
Slept the whole time, didn't catch enough snoozes last night.
English was easy actually, i spent like 1.5 hours doing my comprehension, another hour doing my news paper article and the rest of the time was spent on my composition which i wrote crap lols.
After exam met up with Queeny , and me Queeny, Thao, Eliz,Natasha and Neesha went to klcc, to eat at cpk, saw everyone there , except the hair net brothers and Rianna, Tini, Amad it was cool seeing all of em again though we were pretty shy haha.
After a satisfying lunch, Eliz,Natasha and Neesha went to watch 'Ocean 13' while we went to the park and met up with Salem and Ramez, he was sad again so we tried to cheer him up.
At around 1 we went to Damai and met up with Shayan, Rishni, Jason and his friend Brando, shisha'ed till 2:15 and went back to school, mum was piss i came late.
so strike maths,malay and english
get ready for bio on Tuesday hopefully i'll do good :(
No pictures, couldn't be bothered honestly.
Can't wait till exams are over, its seriously stressful~
I miss him just, i dunno what to do , he recently broke up with his girlfriend and well its a chance for me rite, but is this really what i want? Im just so confused, all i know is that i like him but is it enough to be with him? I wanna know if he feels the same way too or not, you must be asking, why not ask him or a friends or his best pal well to be truthfully honest im afraid of the truth, whether its good or bad its just i hate hearing the truth, cuz you know what they say they truth hurts.
I don't wanna end up hurt again , the feeling was excruciatingly painful for me to take it, it was like swallowing a big dry pill, i couldn't breath all i know was i just wanted to shoot myself.Call me the biggest drama,emo queen alive but whatev.
It hurts but.. what else is there to do..
but wait

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