Worn out!
So today marks the end of sports day, finally, although i do kinda enjoy it, if it wasn't for the blazing hot sun that makes me sweat like a pig. Anyways im current;y in Thao's house, she's taking nap, must be from the running and the exciting day we had today.
It was rehearsals for sports day, it was ok i guess, crashed the night at Thao's :) So came to the stadium early, and yeah didn't see anyone, Thao came not a minute too soon who kept me company until we had to be seated in our sports house, im in Marigold while shes in clover so i was pretty much alone for half the day.
watched the march pass practice, the gymrama, handing over of the baton and other events that i forgotten, did i mention i tried out for 800m run? it was actually mu first time but i was quite proud of myself that i finish the race, though i didn't get 1st 2nd or 3rd..or 4th haha, Bo young got first place, Thao well she sped off , i think she got like 5th place, not to sure. anyways we watched the guys run first and Johan got first, congrats darlin, the it was us girls turn, i guess i ran pretty alright, but i slowed down a couple of times, cuz i seriously couldn't take it, after i crossed the finish line, i just collapsed the teacher had to literally help me up, but the most help was Bagas he helped me up to the benches, i couldn't even walk properly if it wasn't for him.
I spent almost half the rehearsal with Bagas <3 style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">MeThaoTaxiDriver
You feel hot issit?
Sit in the middle la, can get the air-con
Uncle can turn the radio on? 92.9
Sorry ah miss, radio not working, only got malay and my language music
Aiya why?
No money to fix la, expensive
But uncle if you fix your radio more customers
haha, music attract more customers issiyt? I get speakers and put on my car la, but i must get water-proof speakers
no need la, use plastic
water-proof speakers haha
*reach klcc*
Ok ah miss you take care ah
You too uncle
Thank you!
So hopefully he does get water-proff speakers haha, anyways we reached klcc and were pretty hungry so we went to the food court for some food, Thao bout sizzling hot pot rice, *yum* and *sizzlinggg* lols, we ended up talking for almost an hour our jaws started to ache.After that we went to the toilet and coming out we saw our manager from cpk (california pizza kitchen)
We said hi , but he forgotten our names, sad isn't it? so we decided to drop by cpk, ok only me, Thao was somehow shy, don't know why, shes so cute when shes shy :
We got free pepsi yo` haha i saw everyone, ok not everyone, but most, like Riana, Faris, Amad, Botak,Hairnet boy 1&2, Tini, i thinks thats bout it, anyways it was nice seeing all of them, Faris got a haircut, he look just like a schoolboy lols.So after we finished our pepsi, i drank most of it, lols Thaooo! :)
We went to the park with Faris then ate Mc'Donalds, waited for Ramez and Bagas to come to watch Shrek3, Salem also came :) I wanted to watch '28 weeks later' but it finished :( :( so we took the next best choice which was Shrek 3, it started at 9:40pm and it was only 8 so we went to the park, the dudes just smoked while me and Thao watched.Bagas was..distant i dunno he's so weird at times, anyways i was teashing Ramez bout Thao, i know he doesn't like her in that way but yeah its so cute to see his expression.Waited for the movie, and ate ice cream Ramez and Salem bought, yum* went to the cinema and sat in our places, me and Bagas pretty much teased Thao and Ramez lols doing the hand gestures.Salem fell asleep 20 mins after the movie lols, boob. anyways after the movie which i may say is pretty hilarious lols its a defo much watch.
We waited for Thao's mum who was pretty piss since we watched a movie so late at night, Bagas,Ramez and Salem ciao'ed , so went back to Thao's place and i just slept, i was so tired and just slept till next morning, my phone died on me :(
Woke up and got ready, the van was already downstairs, so the van went to pick the others up and dropped us at the stadium, it was pretty pointless of me going since, im not participating in anything.But the good thing was i got a chance to sit next to Thao, whoop*
Watched the march pass, the drill and the best part was the cheerleading competition, i have to say that marigold's choreography is pretty good, so was clover, Violet and Shamrock were just ok, not bad just nothing special.Then after all those events was the track event, Thao ran and i say she has stamina even though her legs hurt like a bitch and she rlly didn't wanna do it, she did it anyways, im proud of that girl :)
Though i was worried bout her when she ran the 400m race, she started out fast but collapsed towards the ending, she did good anyways :) Kelly was also injured as well for pushing herself to hard that she needed medical attention.
I was getting pretty bored honestly, so waited till they announced the winners, and yea Ramez started splashing water on me, and i wouldn't mind if my shirt wasn;t so see-through. damn these p.e shirts.
So After announcing Marigold won the cheerleading competition, out of no-where Bagas splashed a whole cup of water at me, i was like "fuck!!" then after announcing marigold the winner house he spshed another bottle of water on me, ass! so i did what any individual would do, i retaliated.While he wasn't looking, i poured water from the back into his shirt, his boxers got wet, big mistake he had a whole bottle of water and poured everything on me, he pulled me outside and just poured everything on me, Riyad helped so did Tun, asses lols, so yea my shirt was so see-through, everyones like I can see your bra" "why are you all wet", and looks at my bra. haha. and did i mention they brought up the whole " run for fun" thingmajig~
We were gonna go shisha but shayan left us with some random dude we didn't know to take us shisha, he's pretty cool, his name is Naki, Thao was like "is your name japanese?" lols , wanted to catch a cab, no cab and i was getting pretty thirsty went to kfc, bought a drink, Thao changed her clothes,i was too damn lazy too.He was showing us magic tricks all the way, haha he's damn good, we finally got a cab to Damai and guess what Shayan himself wasn't there, thought we were late, than Ali came and told us to go up where they rented a plce for us to shisha, and omg they ordered so much shisha, all together around 8 or 9, as more ppl came, at first it was only 4 , so while waiting we shisha'ed, Ali ordered some food and trust me the food was D`licious,especially the chicken, i was always too afraid to eat incase i'll vomit or something, not a pretty site.So after shayan came, Marcus, Alex and Marco came, wanted to ask Ramez and Bagas to go but they didn't wanna. :( :( :(
So shisha'ed untill Shayan said "lets play truth or dare"
I got dared a couple of time and i had to lick some unknown substance from the shisha thingy, it was orange and icky, also had to exchange smokes with Naki and kiss Thao haha, it was so funny, Thao had to kiss Naki, man isn't he lucky haha
Having an awesome time, shisha'ing, chilling,telling jokes and so on, then some unknown ppl came, Rishni had to go so me,Shayan and Thao went to drop Rishni at klcc cuz her dad works there.It was soooo congested! so we decided to walk to the nearest LRT station, Shayan had to go back cuz his dad was gonna pick him up from there.Was so damn tired, and Thao regretted leaving her bag there cuz we had to go back to Damai which costed us 8 bucks stupid arse taxi drivers. then go take a taxi back to Thao's place.When we arrived, everyone left apart from Ali, Salem and their friends.We said our goodbyes and asked the dude if he cud help call us a taxi, which failed cuz they said no one was picking up, and there was this dude, omg he was eyeing me up and down, i was just like watching him and only when he realised i was watching him he apologised, i just smiled and wanted to leave, since everyone was all smiley and happy, kinda creepy, at least they were friendly, lols .got a taxi back and he charged us 10bucks but we asked for 8 and he said ok ,when the fuckin metre only reached 3 bucks! what a fuckin rip off! Showered, and Thao fell asleep, she must be rlly tired,didn't take much pics of the shisha'ing part cuz we forgotten bout pictures :(
well wasn't that a fun day?

It was rehearsals for sports day, it was ok i guess, crashed the night at Thao's :) So came to the stadium early, and yeah didn't see anyone, Thao came not a minute too soon who kept me company until we had to be seated in our sports house, im in Marigold while shes in clover so i was pretty much alone for half the day.
watched the march pass practice, the gymrama, handing over of the baton and other events that i forgotten, did i mention i tried out for 800m run? it was actually mu first time but i was quite proud of myself that i finish the race, though i didn't get 1st 2nd or 3rd..or 4th haha, Bo young got first place, Thao well she sped off , i think she got like 5th place, not to sure. anyways we watched the guys run first and Johan got first, congrats darlin, the it was us girls turn, i guess i ran pretty alright, but i slowed down a couple of times, cuz i seriously couldn't take it, after i crossed the finish line, i just collapsed the teacher had to literally help me up, but the most help was Bagas he helped me up to the benches, i couldn't even walk properly if it wasn't for him.
I spent almost half the rehearsal with Bagas <3 style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">MeThaoTaxiDriver
You feel hot issit?
Sit in the middle la, can get the air-con
Uncle can turn the radio on? 92.9
Sorry ah miss, radio not working, only got malay and my language music
Aiya why?
No money to fix la, expensive
But uncle if you fix your radio more customers
haha, music attract more customers issiyt? I get speakers and put on my car la, but i must get water-proof speakers
no need la, use plastic
water-proof speakers haha
*reach klcc*
Ok ah miss you take care ah
You too uncle
Thank you!
So hopefully he does get water-proff speakers haha, anyways we reached klcc and were pretty hungry so we went to the food court for some food, Thao bout sizzling hot pot rice, *yum* and *sizzlinggg* lols, we ended up talking for almost an hour our jaws started to ache.After that we went to the toilet and coming out we saw our manager from cpk (california pizza kitchen)
We said hi , but he forgotten our names, sad isn't it? so we decided to drop by cpk, ok only me, Thao was somehow shy, don't know why, shes so cute when shes shy :
We got free pepsi yo` haha i saw everyone, ok not everyone, but most, like Riana, Faris, Amad, Botak,Hairnet boy 1&2, Tini, i thinks thats bout it, anyways it was nice seeing all of them, Faris got a haircut, he look just like a schoolboy lols.So after we finished our pepsi, i drank most of it, lols Thaooo! :)
We went to the park with Faris then ate Mc'Donalds, waited for Ramez and Bagas to come to watch Shrek3, Salem also came :) I wanted to watch '28 weeks later' but it finished :( :( so we took the next best choice which was Shrek 3, it started at 9:40pm and it was only 8 so we went to the park, the dudes just smoked while me and Thao watched.Bagas was..distant i dunno he's so weird at times, anyways i was teashing Ramez bout Thao, i know he doesn't like her in that way but yeah its so cute to see his expression.Waited for the movie, and ate ice cream Ramez and Salem bought, yum* went to the cinema and sat in our places, me and Bagas pretty much teased Thao and Ramez lols doing the hand gestures.Salem fell asleep 20 mins after the movie lols, boob. anyways after the movie which i may say is pretty hilarious lols its a defo much watch.
We waited for Thao's mum who was pretty piss since we watched a movie so late at night, Bagas,Ramez and Salem ciao'ed , so went back to Thao's place and i just slept, i was so tired and just slept till next morning, my phone died on me :(
Woke up and got ready, the van was already downstairs, so the van went to pick the others up and dropped us at the stadium, it was pretty pointless of me going since, im not participating in anything.But the good thing was i got a chance to sit next to Thao, whoop*
Watched the march pass, the drill and the best part was the cheerleading competition, i have to say that marigold's choreography is pretty good, so was clover, Violet and Shamrock were just ok, not bad just nothing special.Then after all those events was the track event, Thao ran and i say she has stamina even though her legs hurt like a bitch and she rlly didn't wanna do it, she did it anyways, im proud of that girl :)
Though i was worried bout her when she ran the 400m race, she started out fast but collapsed towards the ending, she did good anyways :) Kelly was also injured as well for pushing herself to hard that she needed medical attention.
I was getting pretty bored honestly, so waited till they announced the winners, and yea Ramez started splashing water on me, and i wouldn't mind if my shirt wasn;t so see-through. damn these p.e shirts.
So After announcing Marigold won the cheerleading competition, out of no-where Bagas splashed a whole cup of water at me, i was like "fuck!!" then after announcing marigold the winner house he spshed another bottle of water on me, ass! so i did what any individual would do, i retaliated.While he wasn't looking, i poured water from the back into his shirt, his boxers got wet, big mistake he had a whole bottle of water and poured everything on me, he pulled me outside and just poured everything on me, Riyad helped so did Tun, asses lols, so yea my shirt was so see-through, everyones like I can see your bra" "why are you all wet", and looks at my bra. haha. and did i mention they brought up the whole " run for fun" thingmajig~
We were gonna go shisha but shayan left us with some random dude we didn't know to take us shisha, he's pretty cool, his name is Naki, Thao was like "is your name japanese?" lols , wanted to catch a cab, no cab and i was getting pretty thirsty went to kfc, bought a drink, Thao changed her clothes,i was too damn lazy too.He was showing us magic tricks all the way, haha he's damn good, we finally got a cab to Damai and guess what Shayan himself wasn't there, thought we were late, than Ali came and told us to go up where they rented a plce for us to shisha, and omg they ordered so much shisha, all together around 8 or 9, as more ppl came, at first it was only 4 , so while waiting we shisha'ed, Ali ordered some food and trust me the food was D`licious,especially the chicken, i was always too afraid to eat incase i'll vomit or something, not a pretty site.So after shayan came, Marcus, Alex and Marco came, wanted to ask Ramez and Bagas to go but they didn't wanna. :( :( :(
So shisha'ed untill Shayan said "lets play truth or dare"
I got dared a couple of time and i had to lick some unknown substance from the shisha thingy, it was orange and icky, also had to exchange smokes with Naki and kiss Thao haha, it was so funny, Thao had to kiss Naki, man isn't he lucky haha
Having an awesome time, shisha'ing, chilling,telling jokes and so on, then some unknown ppl came, Rishni had to go so me,Shayan and Thao went to drop Rishni at klcc cuz her dad works there.It was soooo congested! so we decided to walk to the nearest LRT station, Shayan had to go back cuz his dad was gonna pick him up from there.Was so damn tired, and Thao regretted leaving her bag there cuz we had to go back to Damai which costed us 8 bucks stupid arse taxi drivers. then go take a taxi back to Thao's place.When we arrived, everyone left apart from Ali, Salem and their friends.We said our goodbyes and asked the dude if he cud help call us a taxi, which failed cuz they said no one was picking up, and there was this dude, omg he was eyeing me up and down, i was just like watching him and only when he realised i was watching him he apologised, i just smiled and wanted to leave, since everyone was all smiley and happy, kinda creepy, at least they were friendly, lols .got a taxi back and he charged us 10bucks but we asked for 8 and he said ok ,when the fuckin metre only reached 3 bucks! what a fuckin rip off! Showered, and Thao fell asleep, she must be rlly tired,didn't take much pics of the shisha'ing part cuz we forgotten bout pictures :(
well wasn't that a fun day?

They are not in order though, and expect more to come :)
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